Feasibility test
a process or assessment for determining whether a thing or project meets certain standards or requirements
Preparation of Strategic Plans
Strategic planning is a business management activity that aims to ensure that the company and all stakeholders involved in it work together to achieve the same business goals
The process of granting permits to individuals/legal entities to carry out business activities and/or non-business activities based on statutory regulations
HR Management
Human Resource Management is a strategic approach to human resource management in an organization. This includes all activities related to managing, developing and empowering employees in order to achieve organizational goals.
Financial Management
Financial management or financial management is planning, organizing, directing and controlling financial activities such as procuring and utilizing business funds. Financial management is a scientific discipline that studies company financial management both in terms of finding sources of funds, allocating funds, and distributing company profits.
Marketing Strategy Management
Marketing strategy is a comprehensive program of a business or company in determining marketing targets to satisfy consumers